We had 42 entries and paid 12 places, the last casher receiving $125. 12 Bowlers came back Sunday and bowled six more games with pins carrying over. To make the top six it took +333 for 12 games or a 227.5 average. The final six then bowled six more games with pins carrying over, and the top three would bowl stepladder.
The final three bowlers included Ty Schulze 3rd +434 Corey Husted +565 and Bryon Smith +567. Cory beat Ty 266-218, setting up a Corey vs Bryon finals. Corey needed two strikes and 9 pins to shut own Bryon, but a solid 10 stood on the 11th ball. Bryon still needed to get up and double to win and buried all three shots, winning 230 to 223.
A big thank you to everyone who came out and bowled.