Continuing on with the PBA Experience, this week I will discuss the Earl Anthony Oil Pattern.  The Earl Anthony Oil pattern, like most PBA patterns offers an extremely tough ratio of 2.3 to 1.  This pattern is not only difficult because of the ratio, but also because of how the oil is applied to the lanes.  The oil pattern was extremely saturated the first 15 feet, really dry from 15 ft to 29 ft, and again oily from 29ft to 40 ft with oil only on the middle 20 boards.  The pattern also widens on the outside which is the opposite of most patterns.

I did my best to understand the pattern, and figure what was the best way to attack this difficult pattern.  My results after two weeks of attacking this pattern were not good to say the least.  While I struggled to score high on this pattern, I personally believe the best way to attack this pattern is to get to the extreme outside, and take a ball that will give you a little earlier consistent roll to the pocket.  My reasoning behind playing the far outside is to get the ball rolling end over end as soon as possible to lessen the difficulty of dealing with your ball skidding, grabbing, and then skidding again.  If you play the far outside you give yourself the best angle of attack due to the complexity this oil pattern offers.  Sometimes you have to play outside of your comfort zone, and try to leave yourself with as many makeable spares as possible and avoid splits at all costs.

While it can be discouraging at times to bowl on such tough conditions, it can really benefit your game in the long run to experiment in the PBA Experience Leagues.  Getting through the tough times, and learning from your mistakes, will always benefit your game.  This will not only boost your confidence for tournaments, but will also make your typical house shot seem easy once you get back to it.

We appreciate your comments regarding on all of our articles here at, and want to help take your bowling game to that next level.  So if you have an article idea, products you would like us to try or simply need help in your game free to email us anytime.  In addition if you have specific questions regarding my PBA Experience I would be happy to discuss this with you.  My email address is [email protected].  I will do my best to respond as soon as possible to your inquiry.

Until next time, Shred that Rack!


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