Hello all, I’m the new guy around here! I’m Matt Kennedy and I’ve been invited to be a contributor here at Above180.com with columns, musings and other articles on bowling as I see it. I hope to get better at this game we love and in turn, help my readers get better as well. If everything goes as planned, we here at Above180.com have the ultimate goal is to make our website your one stop shop for everything bowling, from tips to how to’s to opinion pieces and more!
Here are a few quick tidbits about me and then I’ll introduce the plan for this section, first about me:
- I started bowling consistently 12 years ago bowling in summer youth leagues, at that time I could consistently roll in the 150-160’s with the occasional 200 game
- Took a few years off leagues (that whole college thing) only bowling a few times here and there.
- Winter league of 2006-07 was the first year I started using a tip (hook) ball. Saw my average go from a 152 (before hook) to 171 (after hook). Was also my first year bowling in tournaments and bowled in State Championship for the state of Iowa.
- Winter league of 2008-09 was my best year to date. Best series (696) and my at the time best game (278). Placed 5th overall in doubles in the city tournament that year as well. In my 278 game I put together 11 strikes in a row and continued with 2 more in the next game.
- Now to today, currently bowling in a winter league and my average is 177, high game of 279 (best game ever!) and my best series is 621. A few months ago I purchased 2 new bowling balls that are more reactive and a little more top of the line. Still learning how to control each one and what each is better at but that is the fun part!
I told you all of that to help show everyone I’m just like everyone else with how I bowl; I have the same highs and lows as everyone else. I have my struggles and my high points but I have higher goals than a 177 average in a mixed adult league. I’d love to have the opportunity to roll in PBA events (a pipe dream I know) but if I could get my average up to the 200 mark, I’d consider myself a happy man!
As for the article, I’m hoping to go over a little bit everything. If there are any new bowling ball or equipment purchases, put together some reviews. Also, as we put together sponsorships, maybe we can try some giveaways or contests. My goal is to make this column as well as the entire website as interactive as possible, so with that, thank you for joining me as I begin my journey here at Above180.com!
Until next time, keep on rolling!