This week we talk to the president and CEO of MoRICH Enterprises Mo Pinel, we get the history of how Mo got into the sport. Mo also talks about why dual angle drilling has been embraced by the industry, and how it changed the game. We also talk about Mo’s involvement in Bowling Chat, and how he has helped it grow into a great forum that helps bowlers take their game to the next level.
Great interview! My first exposure to this web site and I’m very impressed. Keep up the good work.
Rob Mautner
Silver Level Coach
Bowling Writer – BTM, 10 Pin Alley
Thanks for the comments as we move forward it would be great to chat with you about your thoughts on what bowlers need to do to improve their game.
Great interview. As someone who works midnights, it is true. Mo doesn’t sleep.
bowlingchat is a great site for information and Mo does a great job of answering almost everyones questions.
Mo’s quite an experience. I can’t think of any other non player/coach in the bowling industry that has had more of an effect on the game than Mo. Hope your well Mo and Hi to Mikey.