Trey Ford On His Choice To Join The PBA

Trey Ford On His Choice To Join The PBA

This week I catch up with 900 Global staffer, 16 yr old Trey Ford.  We discuss his choice to join the PBA and what it was like bowling that first PBA event.  We discuss how he came into his 900 Global contract.  Trey also some advice for PBA commish Tom Clark.  Please...
Dr. Dean Hinitz On How To Bowl Without Fear

Dr. Dean Hinitz On How To Bowl Without Fear

In Part two of my interview with Dr. Dean Hinitz we chat about how a bowler was able to stay in the moment at last years WSOB.  We also discuss how to overcome adversity, and why using the word “should” can get you in trouble.  Please remember to check out...
Dr. Dean Hinitz On How To Bowl Without Fear

Dr. Dean Hinitz On What Makes Jason Belmonte A Champion

This week I chat with Dr. Dean Hinitz about his new book, “Bowling Psychology”.  We discuss the foreward of the book which was done by Jason Belmonte, and what really makes Jason tick.  We also talk about why establishing a pre-shot routine is key and why...