Ball Layouts for Dummies

Ball Layouts for Dummies

Ball layouts? Why the heck do I need to understand the intricacies of bowling ball balancing techniques, I’m just a bowler? So you can properly relay your ball motion desires to your ball guy, that’s why! You need to be able to express your desired ball motion and he...
On Lane Adjustments You Need To Be Making!

On Lane Adjustments You Need To Be Making!

Oh my god! What have we done to this wonderful sport we love so dearly? Has the game changed so much as to become a totally diametrically opposed game from what most of us were brought up enjoying its many excitements and challenges? Is this change possibly good for...
Tips For a Top Notch Ball Arsenal

Tips For a Top Notch Ball Arsenal

Let’s circle the wagons and bring in the cavalry…. Setting up an effective bowling ball arsenal can be a three headed monster for many. It’s very challenging, expensive and time consuming to create a mix of varying yet effective ball reactions. First off, most bowlers...
Can the Customer Always Be Right at the Pro Shop?

Can the Customer Always Be Right at the Pro Shop?

Do Pro Shops have to follow the old credo “the customers always right”? No! Especially if they want to be successful have and live a long and happy life. As pro shop operators we deal with people of all ages, incomes, ethnic backgrounds and all with varying skill...