Tommy Delutz Jr is a two time PBA Champion and 15 time PBA regional champion. Tommy is also a silver certified coach and has over 25 yrs in the pro shop industry. Tommy also owns the pro shop and one-on-one learning center inside Herrill Lanes in New Hyde Park, N.Y. We chat with Tommy about how much you the bowler really need to know, when it comes to ball drilling and ball layouts. Tommy also chats about why collegiate and high school bowlers have a huge advantage over bowlers of yesteryear.
i just tell my ball driller what i need and i let his knowledge do the rest.
Hey Joey. Hey Tim.
I’ve been listening and learning to your podcasts. This time around, I was disappointed though. This guy totally missed the idea behind
Your Drilling for Dummies series was a class act. It taught me so much about the game of bowling and not just drilling and layouts.
“Teach the bowlers” is the idea, while this guy annoyed (you) Joe so much, Tim had to jump in and ask another question about coaching and stuff.
I think, before you take the guest on, at least tell them philosophy behind this website and try to get an idea whether or not he/she is is so full of crap like this guy. If he/she is so full of his/her self, drop him/her like a bag of dirt.
Keep up the good work teaching dummies like myself. Now I don’t feel inadequate when I talk to my driller, thanks to you and Mo, and we have good insightful conversation, which further help me understand my game.
Thanks once again, and no thanks to this guy….
For the most part, I have to agree with Sam on this one. Just as Tommy said, a great majority of bowlers come into pro shops and tell the driller that they want the ball to go long and snap. If the driller doesn’t take the time to help the bowler to understand ball motion as well as the actual characteristics of bowling balls, then this cycle continues. The more a bowler understands about bowling balls today, the bigger the edge he or she has over the competition.