Vin Gerard joined me to discuss his thoughts on the PBA, and what prompted him to do this Youtube video. Vin has words for Jason Belmonte, Sean Rash, and the people that believe he is doing this for publicity. Click here to see Jason accepting Gerard’s challenge and here to see Sean do the same. Be sure to like Above 180 on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, all this month share an interview on Facebook and you will be entered in a drawing to win a free bowling ball courtesy of Bowler X.
Why are validating this idiot by talking to him? He is clearly just doing this to get attention. Just ignore him and he will go away.
What a sad state bowling-as-an-insitution has devolved to. This is straight out of the minds of a desperate group of “leaders” who are trying anything to get attention and doing it in the wrong way. GO BACK to fundamentals. GO BACK to the tour’s traditional format. GO BACK TO MARKETING BOWLING AS A SPORT not a freak show. Fire Tom Clark and the rest of the “leadership” clowns who have taken bowling from a legitimate second tier sport and turned it into non thinking escapist recreation. In 1983 the U.S. population was 265 million, now it is 315 million. In 1983 we had 11 million league bowlers, now 2 million. In 1983 we had 7600 bowling centers, now 5400. In 1983 the PBA ratings were 4.5 plus now .07 and dropping. All this nonsense started in the fall of 1972 when Fair Lanes Inc started marketing bowling as a recreation- and the rest is history. Bowling’s “leadership” has boxed itself into a corner that it might not be able to get out of. Why? If one does not know one’s product one can not manage nor promote the product one does not know. One further question: if mission is to take bowlers to the next level, why was this interview done? I look forward to the next Mo Pinel segment.
i too would like to know why Vin was interviewed? he’s a joke.
Gary and Joe,
Thank you for the comments. I agree their are a lot of concerns that need to be addressed in our sport. Vin Gerard calling out bowlers has bowlers talking, that is why it warrants coverage on Above
He should bowl an actual PBA event, comped from the PBA. We would then see his true skills…….
Why? What’s the point?
Vin who??? Maybe if the challenge were to come from someone like……Hulk Hogan, or John Cena, or even the Big Sow. Has anyone ever heard of this yokel. A has been that never was!!
Is anyone else seeing the entertainment value of this??? This is freakin hilarious!! All kinds of awesome…Great Job Tim in following up with this…Lovin it!!!