ASK BOB 6/01/17
by Bob Korth

Q. I have been asked to help with a senior bowling class. Do you have any hints on helping seniors?

A. Being a senior myself I think I have some idea’s on the subject. Plus I have instructed seniors from
time to time. First you have to remember with seniors you must first ask them about any physical
conditions like that really can affect the things they might be able to do. Such as arthritis
or joint replacement, Knees or hips. You have to work with what they have physically. I just
coached a group of 6 ladies aged 77 to 83 they had slow speed and not much fluidity. Mostly I had
them work on keeping there eyes on the target till the ball rolls through it to help with accuracy
then on the proper place to line up for spares. With most seniors to get the best out of their game
helping with the alignment for spares will get them the most improvement. Then checking the ball
for weight and drilling will be the next thing to look at. Many are using the wrong weight ball
and spans and pitches need correction.

For you seniors out there that may be having problems with sore fingers and wrists and hands
go to your local pro shop and get your ball checked both for weight and for drilling. Bowling is
supposed to be fun not torture. Lessons are also good for you to be able to get the most out of your
physical game no matter what problems you may have. When there’s a will there’s a way.

Q. I am just starting to bowl again after a five year layoff. I have always used a 15 pound ball and quit
because of a sore wrist. So I am thinking about going down to a 14 pound ball. Do you think the
do you think the lower weight will hurt my scoring?

A. I doubt that your scores will go down much. The bowling balls today are very powerful. You might
notice a few weight related ten pins but the lower weight should take some pressure off the wrist.
So bowling pain free and with more control plus some added speed should make up any difference
the occasional extra ten you might leave.

Q. When I bowl I target at the second arrow or close to that. I have heard that looking down the lane
will keep the ball from hooking early. Is this true?

A. Targeting down the lane can help early hook. Sometimes though you might want the ball to hook a
little earlier. What I do when warming up for league or tournament is start by targeting about ten
feet past the arrows pick a dark or light board on the line you want to use say the ten board or 2nd.
Arrow. If the ball goes high look further down toward the pins say 40 to 45 feet. Some lanes have
tracer marks down there. If they do target there. If the ball goes light and you think you need
earlier roll then target at the arrows. My name for this is the 3 spot system. Arrows, mid lane area,
or 40 to 45 foot are or tracer board area. This works great for small lane adjustments when a
larger move is not called for.

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